This year was really tough year for our project. The people we trusted did not live up to their contracts or trust so we had a mishap. Now as you all know we trust and believe in God to give us strength passion and love to encourage ourselves to go on we are advancing in the power of His might. All that being said and done, we took down the old structure that was rotten. It was really in bad shape and put all our energy on constructing a new shelter for the animals. It has been challenging but we did it anyways. I would like to thank all our partners who stand with us day in day out and my family who have not stopped sending the finances that we needed. It was not expected but you did it with love thank you so much and God bless you so much for not giving up on us. We are continuing to carry on our mission hopping that this will continue to be a great source to empower the widows. Our Goal is to raise 50,000 dollars to buy our own land and expand the farm. We know to whom much is given much is required, so continue to pray for us. Again I say thank you very much for your love and support is greatly appreciated. God bless you.